Brussels, February 15th, 2024. IAO – COMECE – CEC Working Meeting on Christian Values

Brussels, February 15th, 2024. IAO – COMECE – CEC Working Meeting on Christian Values

On Thursday, February 15th, 2024, a working meeting was held at the headquarters of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) in Brussels, co-organized with the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC). Aim of the meeting was the adoption of a Declaration on Christian Values in Europe, in view of the 2024 European elections. The IAO delegation headed by the IAO Secretary General, Dr. Maximos Charakopoulos, with the participation of the Member of the IAO International Secretariat, Mr. Panikos Leonidou, as well as the IAO Advisor, Dr. Kostas Mygdalis. Representatives of churches, social movements, MEPs and EU officials attended the meeting, held at the COMECE headquarters, in Brussels.

Brussels, February 15th, 2024. IAO – COMECE – CEC Working Meeting on Christian Values

The Secretary General of the inter-parliamentary institution in his introductory speech at the meeting underlined that “In the name of multiculturalism and extreme political correctness, every reference to the European Christian roots and the essential contribution of Christianity to the formation of European culture is deleted. (…) The narrative that no monotheistic religion is indigenous to Europe, therefore neither is Christianity, which according to its opponents was not originated on the old continent and cannot be considered one of the three pillars of the European edifice, is unhistorical. (…) Christian values together with the ancient Greek spirit and Roman law marked Europe. Unfortunately, in the debate on the Future of Europe there is no mention of its Christian origins, Christian values, or even the role of religion in modern societies. A Europe that renounces its roots cannot have a prosperous future! That is why, in the run-up to the European elections, we believe that we should intensify our efforts and call the European parties, as well as all the MEP candidates, to position themselves clearly on how they see the EU’s relations with the churches, how they perceive Christian values in modern Europe. In this direction, the adoption of a Declaration on Christian Values in Europe is important”.

Brussels, February 15th, 2024. IAO – COMECE – CEC Working Meeting on Christian Values

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