A delegation of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.), headed by Mr. Panikos Leonidou, Member of the I.A.O. International Secretariat with the participation of Mr. Efthimios Diplaros, member of the Cypriot delegation to the I.A.O., Mr. Sisak Gabrielyan, Head of the Armenian delegation to the I.A.O., and Dr. Kostas Mygdalis, Advisor to the I.A.O, visited Poland from May 12th to 16th, 2023. Purpose of this visit was the presentation of the publication “Hagia Sophia: The Churches of the Wisdom of God around the World.”
The I.A.O. delegation held a meeting with the Deputy Mayor of Bialystok Mr. Zbigniew Nikitorowicz. The head of the I.A.O. delegation during his briefing on the purpose of the visit, stated
“…in addition to strengthening our bilateral relations, one of the key reasons behind our presence here is the presentation of the Volume published by the I.A.O. This remarkable book contains 37 emblematic churches dedicated to Hagia Sophia, situated across numerous countries, spanning from Scotland to China. Today, Poland is included in this esteemed collection, as the Consecration of the Hagia Sophia Church in Warsaw is scheduled for the upcoming Sunday. We are honoured to accept the gracious invitation extended by His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and all Poland and shall be present at this momentous occasion.”
The delegation of I.A.O. in Poland and the Deputy Mayor of the city of Bialystok Mr. Zbigniew Nikitorowicz
During the presentation of the Polish edition of the Volume for the Churches of Hagia Sophia, which took place at the Metropolitan Church of the Annunciation of the Mother of God in Suprasl, Eastern Poland, His Eminence Metropolitan Andreas welcomed all participants, while Mr. Eugeniusz Czykwin, member of the Polish Parliament and member of the I.A.O., addressed the attendees. Mr. Leonidou, head of the I.A.O. delegation, during his speech emphasized inter-alia: “The I.A.O. actively seeks collaboration with other Christian denominations and religions, aiming for peace, cooperation, and safeguarding persecuted Christians, particularly in the Middle East. Additionally, our organization strives to protect Christian monuments that have been destroyed or desecrated, as in northern Syria, Kosovo, Nagorno Karabakh, and the Turkish occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus. We also acknowledge the significance of preserving Christian heritage in Turkey itself.
Mr. Panikos Leonidou
Unfortunately, we have witnessed a series of arbitrary decisions in Turkey, influenced by the ideology of neo-Ottomanism, resulting to the conversion of Byzantine Churches into Muslim mosques. Of great concern is the notable incident in July 2020, which affected Hagia Sophia, the most significant Church of Ecumenical Orthodoxy and a magnificent architectural masterpiece from the Justinian era.
This decision contradicts historical veracity, spiritual principles, and international law, as Hagia Sophia is designated as an UNESCO-protected site of global cultural heritage. According to Turkish media, the Church is currently under a great danger due to the substantial influx of visitors, resulting to significant damage. If this arbitrariness persists, the situation could become irreparable.”
The Volume was presented by esteemed experts in their respective fields, ie.. Prof. Aleksandr Naumow on the subject “Hagia Sophia in the culture of the ancient Orthodox Slavs,” Prof. Jerzy Uścinowicz on the subject “Christian Churches – ruined Sanctuaries (Sacrum),” and Ms. Anna Radziukiewicz on the subject “The Church of Hagia Sophia in Warsaw and the Church of Hagia Sophia in Bialystok.” At the end of the event all participants received copies of the Polish edition of the Volume.
On Sunday, May 14th, the I.A.O. delegation participated at the Consecration ceremony of the Church of Hagia Sophia in Warsaw. During this momentous occasion, Mr. Panikos Leonidou, head of the I.A.O. delegation, presented a briefing on the Volume. Moreover, he extended heartfelt congratulations to His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and all Poland on the Consecration and on commemorating his 25th anniversary since his ordination Metropolitan of Warsaw.
The I.A.O. delegation at the consecration of the Holy Church of Hagia Sophia in Warsaw
On Monday, May 15th, the I.A.O. delegation had a meeting with Mr. Tomasz Grodzki, President of the Polish Senate, Mr. Kazimierz Nycz, Catholic Archbishop of Poland, and Mr. Ryszard Terlecki, Vice President of the Parliament (Sejm). During these meetings, Mr. Leonidou conveyed warm greetings on behalf of the I.A.O. Secretary General Dr. Maximos Charakopoulos, member of the Hellenic Parliament. He also commended the Polish Parliament, a founding member of the I.A.O., since its establishment, stressing that this year, the I.A.O. celebrates 30 years of institutional operation and engagement. He specifically highlighted the I.A.O.’s interventions within the context of the Dialogue on the Future of Europe, intending to incorporate references to the Christian heritage of European culture and the Christian roots that underlie the identity of European peoples.
With the President of the Polish Senate Mr. Tomasz Grodzki
With the Catholic Archbishop of Poland Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz
With the Vice President of the Parliament (Sejm) Mr. Ryszard Terlecki.
During their stay in Poland, the I.A.O. delegation had the opportunity to have a pilgrimage visit to Grabarka and visit the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Monastery of Saints Martha and Mary.