The Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, which unites the elected representatives of parliaments from countries, where Christian traditions are maintained and developed, expresses its deep concern, regarding the events that took place in Kosovo and Metoxi, which violate the basic human rights and declares that peace in the autonomous region of Kosovo and Metoxi is constantly under threat.

The General Assembly condemns any form of genocide and persecution of people, considered as violation against human rights regardless of their origin and religion, the destruction of temples of different religions, as well as, the destruction of any cultural values, which are considered part of humanity’s heritage.
The General Assembly participants condemn the stampede of Serbs from their homes, citizens of a country with the right to life, respect for identity, nationality and their religion, regardless of the errors and policy of the previous state government, as well as of other countries, and call on to the refugees to return to their homes under conditions of peace and security.

The Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy calls on the Secretary General of the UN, of UNESCO and the Council of Europe to send their representatives in order to clear up the situation and give a just and humanistic solution to the conflict taking place in the center of Europe. Requests from the leaders of peace-making forces to protect the region and ensure peace and order.

Kiev , 26 June 2004

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