RESOLUTION, KIEVO | 24 – 27 June 2004 | 11th Assembly

• Following , since its establishment, developments in the long-standing Cyprus problem,
• Having expressed in the past its concern for the non-solution of the problem and the continuing occupation of a part of Cyprus by Turkish troops,
• Considering the tragic consequences by the division of the island and its people, also still continuing, as a result of the Turkish troops,
• Noting also the latest developments in the efforts to find a just and viable solution to the Cyprus problem based on UN principles and pertinent Resolutions and on the High-Level Agreements,
The Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy:
• Expresses yet again its concern at the continuing division of Cyprus ,
• Congratulates the people of Cyprus for the recent accession of their country to the European Union,
• Expresses the conviction that the accession will function as a catalyst for the continuation and success of the efforts for achieving a just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem,
• Underlines the need for the solution to be found to be based on pertinent UN
• Resolutions and the High-Level Agreements and to be in accordance with the acquis communantaire, so that, in the framework of the reunited Cyprus based on a bizonal, bicommunal federation, the whole of the people of Cyprus be given the opportunity to enjoy the gains of peace and stability and the benefits from accession to the EU, for a common secure future.
Kiev , 26 June 2004

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