Resolution – Conclusions of the 15th annual General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) | Rhodes, 25 – 29 June 2008
The works of the General Assembly were concluded with the adoption of the resolution.
«The crisis of the global value system as a challenge before Christian Orthodoxy»
In the course of the recent years, mankind has been experiencing a new era of its history. Rapid transformations occur within the international community, which, relieved from the existing global bipolarization, yet, unfortunately dependent on monopolies, is faced with large scale changes, resulting from the globalization of economy and trade, the revolution in the field of information technology, the modernization of the mass transportation media, and many other challenges.
In that frame, from such a magnificent opportunity, hopes and visions emerged that the newly created world could seek new aims and practices, to guarantee the right to life and free personality development; a world where the devastating struggle for basic survival of billions of people would not perpetuate throughout continents.
The page of history has turned, yet, the outcome does not illustrate that the whole process is oriented towards a better world. Abject poverty escalates as a result of a prosperity measured in numbers, enjoyed by just a small group of developed countries, the misery of the rest of the world is deepening, whereas crisis and destabilization are triggered, aiming to consolidate the global political and economic system.
Human rights are ignored, yet they are often invoked, exclusively for serving political management.
Social pathological phenomena, considered obsolete, such as nationalism, xenophobia, racism and religious fanaticism re-occur, functioning as disguises of real problems, such as the ecological, while their generic causes are not lifted.
Institutions, on which the human civilization has been based upon, such as family, religion, civilization, are being disputed or even falling apart, with the aid of the mass media.
The crisis of the traditional value system constitutes a deplorable, established reality of the modern world, which cannot be controlled by national boundaries and has been created by various people and groups, of different attitudes, objectives, aspirations, religious beliefs and practices, which, nevertheless, gradually coincide, become stronger and uniform.
Certainly, a world of injustice, exploitation, aggressiveness, human misery, ecological threat for destruction, cannot escape anyone’s attention, and since indifference serves as its legitimization, the spiritual, ethical and cultural reversal of the existing status quo becomes a matter of ultimate priority.
Social and political unions and institutions, such as the European Union, seem to be adequately conscious of the necessity for modernizing the value system, via the osmosis of different social needs, including the attempt of forming the European Constitution, in an effort to mark the European Union as a society of values and not merely as a market order.
The answers to existing questions, touching upon the principles of a social contract, which will regulate multileveled relations of citizens on the basis of consensual moral values and foundations, shall certainly not be the fruit of parthenogenesis.
The basis of that regulatory social contract cannot consist solely of political summit agreements, but of traditional moral values as well, while, at the same time, it will encourage modern society to refer to its resources in order to look there for solutions to all current issues, always on the basis of the cultural experience of peoples and mankind as a whole.
Religions, as formulating forces of the value system of each individual society are called to respond to this challenge.
Christianity, Orthodoxy, for two thousand years has constituted the solid basis on which, the European and, subsequently, the global value system, have been successfully established, as the foundation of the so called civilized world. On that basis, in the course of the 20th century, societies have managed to achieve great steps of progress, to co-exist in harmony, and to ultimately avert the hazard of a new world war over the last 60 years.
Orthodoxy has played a substantial role in the life of peoples of Europe and the world. In this respect, the Assembly emphasizes the great importance of historical landmarks, such as the1020-year anniversary of Russia’s Christianization and the celebration of year 2008 in honor of Apostle Paul in Greece.
The Christian Orthodox Church, in productive moments of its historical presence, has marked the dominant force governing its secular presence, its mission to mankind, the love for our fellow-man, and especially for those suffering and the weak, and for constructive elements of peoples’ community, safeguarding human freedom as well. It has made efforts to reverse man’s course in history and eliminate negative notions shaped in his conscience, such as the tendency towards dominance, exploitation or utilization of other people, on the basis of the principle that the Church embraces this world to transform it. It has proved that ethics is not a magical phenomenon, but the fruit of change of human relations, resulting in gradually transforming the world.
Considering that, in view of the escalating global value system crisis, the contribution of Orthodoxy in shaping modern world becomes an urgency now more than ever, we, representatives of the parliaments participating in I.A.O. activities, and meeting here in Rhodes (Greece) for our 15th General Assembly to discuss the subject: «The crisis of the global value system as a challenge before Christian Orthodoxy», upon, such as family, religion, civilization, are being disputed or even falling apart, with the aid of the mass media.
The crisis of the traditional value system constitutes a deplorable, established reality of the modern world, which cannot be controlled by national boundaries and has been created by various people and groups, of different attitudes, objectives, aspirations, religious beliefs and practices, which, nevertheless, gradually coincide, become stronger and uniform.
Certainly, a world of injustice, exploitation, aggressiveness, human misery, ecological threat for destruction, cannot escape anyone’s attention, and since indifference serves as its legitimization, the spiritual, ethical and cultural reversal of the existing status quo becomes a matter of ultimate priority.
Social and political unions and institutions, such as the European Union, seem to be adequately conscious of the necessity for modernizing the value system, via the osmosis of different social needs, including the attempt of forming the European Constitution, in an effort to mark the European Union as a society of values and not merely as a market order.
The answers to existing questions, touching upon the principles of a social contract, which will regulate multileveled relations of citizens on the basis of consensual moral values and foundations, shall certainly not be the fruit of parthenogenesis.
The basis of that regulatory social contract cannot consist solely of political summit agreements, but of traditional moral values as well, while, at the same time, it will encourage modern society to refer to its resources in order to look there for solutions to all current issues, always on the basis of the cultural experience of peoples and mankind as a whole.
Religions, as formulating forces of the value system of each individual society are called to respond to this challenge.
Christianity, Orthodoxy, for two thousand years has constituted the solid basis on which, the European and, subsequently, the global value system, have been successfully established, as the foundation of the so called civilized world. On that basis, in the course of the 20th century, societies have managed to achieve great steps of progress, to co-exist in harmony, and to ultimately avert the hazard of a new world war over the last 60 years.
Orthodoxy has played a substantial role in the life of peoples of Europe and the world. In this respect, the Assembly emphasizes the great importance of historical landmarks, such as the1020-year anniversary of Russia’s Christianization and the celebration of year 2008 in honor of Apostle Paul in Greece.
The Christian Orthodox Church, in productive moments of its historical presence, has marked the dominant force governing its secular presence, its mission to mankind, the love for our fellow-man, and especially for those suffering and the weak, and for constructive elements of peoples’ community, safeguarding human freedom as well. It has made efforts to reverse man’s course in history and eliminate negative notions shaped in his conscience, such as the tendency towards dominance, exploitation or utilization of other people, on the basis of the principle that the Church embraces this world to transform it. It has proved that ethics is not a magical phenomenon, but the fruit of change of human relations, resulting in gradually transforming the world.
Considering that, in view of the escalating global value system crisis, the contribution of Orthodoxy in shaping modern world becomes an urgency now more than ever, we, representatives of the parliaments participating in I.A.O. activities, and meeting here in Rhodes (Greece) for our 15th General Assembly to discuss the subject: «The crisis of the global value system as a challenge before Christian Orthodoxy», declare the following:
• The need for a more dynamic contribution of Orthodoxy, in preserving those elements of its culture, where the two-thousand year course of mankind has been based, but also in highlighting new ones, always on the basis of its Patristic Tradition, such as emphasizing and further elevating the concept of “creation of Man after the image of God”, marking human existence as a unique and inimitable value.
• The need for the further cultivation of dialogue at all levels, with every social group, but also with every man of good faith, as a means for mutual understanding and smoothing out of differences, as well as of typical separating elements.
• The need for furthering the progressive Orthodox spiritual values, for contributing to the transformation of models shaped by modern reality, such as uncontrolled consumption, the unethical pursuit of wealth, greed, and all elements cultivating despicable moral models, and restraining moral culture, as shaped by Christianity and Orthodoxy.
• We deem imperative the close examination of the relationship of the interwoven concepts of human rights and moral life values, so as to extend the former while at the same time embellishing them with the latter.
• In the modern era of globalization, while the issue of man’s position in the system of the information society emerges and rapidly evolves, where new notions are sought for, it is necessary:
• To do everything possible so that the new society model is based on high humanistic ideals and societal ethics, on which Orthodoxy is founded.
• To further strengthen the interaction between religion and culture, the latter containing universal moral values that may comprise the ideological basis for peoples’ unity.
• To guarantee regular terms and conditions concerning the worship needs of believers and the restoration of Christian temples.
• To realize that competition and aggressiveness within society are due to religious ignorance. That is why it is necessary to guarantee, in the frame of the educational system, the teaching to youth of basic knowledge both concerning their own religious tradition, and other traditions and religions as well, in order to secure the peaceful coexistence of people.
• The necessity of an enhanced contribution of religion in shaping a culture of tolerance and non-violence, of a society based on orthodox values has to be made clear.
• Therefore:
• Permanent and constant mechanisms for the mutual approach of religions within countries must be developed, something that will contribute to the de-escalation of conflicts both at the level of individual societies and at the level of international relations.
• Inter-religious dialogue, as an essential element for the evolution of civic society and for overcoming international conflicts must be cultivated, with the contribution of international organizations.
• The non-violation of legitimate rights of religious minorities must be guaranteed.
• Full respect of every citizen’s legitimate right for religious tolerance must constantly be pursued, lacking which religious freedom of expression cannot be guaranteed in its total.
• Policies concerning religion and the relations between state and church in each country must be developed within a civilized frame of law.
• Aiming at the solution of these issues, we deem necessary to make full use of the mass media potentials in each country separately, and at a global level as well.
Closely observing and considering the events occurring throughout the world, the I.A.O:
• Rings the alarm over the increase of cases of violence use in the process of international relations management, in sensitive regions of the world, such as the Balkans, Kosovo, the Middle East and Cyprus.
• Calls upon the Christian Orthodox members of parliaments worldwide to cooperate, aiming at the spreading of orthodox principles as fundamental elements of mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence and prosperity of peoples.
• Declares its firm commitment to the application of international law principles and to the respect for human rights, and considers every attempt for legitimizing any separatist actions whatsoever as overtly conflicting against the aforementioned principles.