Resolution | 19th annual General Assembly | Prague | 2012


19th General Assembly
of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.)
Prague, 26 – 29 June 2012

The General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, having convened in its 19th annual session, in Prague, from 25 to 28 June 2012,

Recalling the continuing, for 38 years now, occupation by Turkey of territories of the Republic of Cyprus, in violation of the principles of international law and the continuing infringement of the human rights of the Cyprus people,

Underlining the humanitarian nature of the issue of the town of Famagusta, which remains fenced and abandoned to this date, since the Turkish invasion of 1974,

Recalling also pertinent UN Security Council Resolutions, particularly Resolution 550/1984, which considers attempts to settle any part of Varosha as inadmissible and calls for the transfer of the fenced area to the administration of the United Nations, as well as Resolution 789/1992, which urges that, as a confidence-building measure, Varosha be included in the area under UN control,

Supporting the Cyprus Government’s proposal for rendering the town of Famagusta to the United Nations, ensuring the return of its lawful inhabitants and simultaneously reopening the port of Famagusta, under European Union supervision, so that all of the town’s lawful inhabitants, engage in trade without undermining the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus or the legality of European Union regulations,

Expressing its satisfaction with the reference contained in the recent European Parliament Resolution of 26 March 2012 on Turkey’s Progress Report for 2011, which calls on Turkey to transfer the control of Famagusta to the United Nations, in accordance with the Organisation’s Resolution 550/1984,

Expressing its concern at Turkey’s constantly escalating provocative stance and its threatening statements against the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as its aggressive acts in Cyprus’ territorial waters and airspace,

Alarmed at the provocative statements by Turkish state officials, threatening to freeze Turkey’s relations with the European Union (EU) during the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU,

Considering that Turkey’s stance, as well as its invariably intransigent approach to the Cyprus problem, is undermining progress in the direct talks process between the President of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriot leader to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem,

Reaffirming its support to the efforts for reaching an agreed, just and viable solution, based on pertinent UN Resolutions and EU values and principles, reunifying Cyprus and its people and restoring the fundamental human rights of the people of Cyprus as a whole,

1. Recalls its previous resolutions, which condemn the flagrant violation of international law by Turkey in Cyprus, the deprivation of religious and worship rights and freedoms of the Greek Cypriot enclaved and refugees, as well as the desecration of the cultural and religious heritage in the part of Cyprus occupied by Turkey.

2. Stresses that the return of the fenced area of Famagusta to its lawful inhabitants is an international law obligation of Turkey and that any act aiming to settle the town is outside international legality.

3. Calls on Turkey to implement the High Level Agreement of 1979 and pertinent UN Security Council Resolutions, particularly Resolutions 550/1984 and 789/1992, as a gesture of good will, in the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem.

4. Calls upon the international community to exercise effective pressure on Turkey to comply with the rules of international and European law, ending the illegal occupation and colonization of Cyprus.

5. Conveys a message of solidarity to Cyprus and its people for its indefatigable efforts to restore peace and unity on the island, in view of its assumption of the difficult task of presiding over the Council of the EU, expressing at the same time the Assembly’s certainty for the successful completion of this mission.

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