RESOLUTION | 16th Assembly


“Challenges faced by the Orthodox population in Kosovo and Metohiа”

The Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, convened in Belgrade, from June 24 until 28 2009:

Having discussed the present problems the Orthodox community is facing today in the autonomous province of the Republic of Serbia Kosovo and Metohia,

Reaffirming relevant I.A.O. resolutions, particularly,
• “Resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy on the events in Kosovo and Metohia “ (Kiev, 2004);
• “Resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy on the contribution of the Orthodox culture to the construction of a new Europe” (Venice, 2006);
• “Resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy on the crisis of the global value system as a challenge before Christian Orthodoxy” (Rhodes, 2008);

Stressing the importanceoffull respect and implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia,

Reminding that the opinion on the legality of Kosovo’s unilaterally proclaimed independence is yet to be delivered by the International Court of Justice and accordingly, states are urged to continue to refrain from recognizing Kosovo and Metohia,

Particularly concerned for the destiny of social, spiritual and cultural tradition and the religious, historic and cultural heritage in the Serbian province Kosovo and Metohia,
Condemning discrimination on religious grounds of Christian Orthodox population in Kosovo and Metohia despite the officially proclaimed policy,

Further condemning theattempts to usurp Serbian patrimony by the chauvinist secessionist forces in Kosovo,
Declaring that the right to safe living conditions and personal property security, free expression of political, religious, cultural and other personal beliefs, just and efficient judiciary, right to return and execution of public functions have to be provided for,

Underlining that monasteries, monuments, religious and cultural treasures, cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohia that are owned by and belong to the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Orthodox church and the Serbian nation, represent a part of the European and world heritage and, therefore, must be preserved and protected,
Strongly urging for the strengthening of comprehensive security and stability in the region,

Hereby agrees to:
1. Express its concern at the continuing intolerance and discrimination of Christian Orthodox believers in Kosovo and Metohia,
2. Support the efforts of the Orthodox Christians in Kosovo and Metohia to defend their rights and confirm willingness to protect and promote the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and liberties of Orthodox and other people, their churches, religious monuments and their principles,
3. Call on all States of I.A.O. to condemn acts of violence and cultural destruction of orthodox churches, monasteries, cemeteries, and other holy places,
4. Ask the international community and all respective parliaments to spare no effort in expressing its firm commitment to engage in international cooperation and to contribute to global peace and stability by full respect of international law in particular in the fields of promotion and protection of human rights and the return of displaced persons,
5. Recommend to all parties concerned in Kosovo and Metohia to take positive actions, and engage in intensifying intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence based on Christian socio-moral values,
6. Call upon the United Nations, UNESCO, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Council of Europe, the European Union and other international organizations responsible for peace and security in Kosovo and Metohia to provide full and unconditional protection of national communities and all encompassing Serbian historical, cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohia,
7. Demand the full protection of human rights of Serbs and other peoples in Kosovo and Metohia.
8. Explicitly condemn the ongoing violent acts and persecutions against the Serbian population in the province of Kosovo and Metohia, which take the form of ethnic cleansing, as well as, the unacceptable systematic effort made to erase and alter the Serbian identity, history, character and the Serb-Christian culture of the province of Kosovo and Metohia.

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