Personal data
Date and place of birth: 28 November 1949, Chelmac, Arad County
Civil status: married, 2 children
Education; scientific degrees
Political activity
member of the PSD;
vice-president of Timis County PSD Organisation;
member of the PSD National Council
Parliamentary activity
since 2000, secretary of the Committee for Education, Science, Youth, and Sports;
member of the Romania-Portugal and Romania-Chile friendship parliamentary groups
Professional activities
Profession: engineer
Books and papers published
15 books, 80 scientific papers, 13 inventions, 13 innovations
Languages skills
French, Russian
Address of the MP’s office
Timisoara, Piata Sf. Gheorghe nr. 4;
Telephone: parliamentary group 0214021050; standing committee 0214021145; deputy’s office 0256430797