NERANTZISMember of the Hellenic Parliament
Born on 3.10.1944 in Piraeus.
Attorney at Law. Married.

Parliamentary Activities

Elected Member of the Hellenic Parliament with New Democracy Party (N.D.) in Piraeus II municipality, at the elections of 1974, 1989 (November), 1993, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2007 and 2009.
1978-1981: Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament.
2000-2004: Deputy Parliamentary Representative
2004-2006: Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communication
2006-2007: Deputy Minister for Development
2007-2009: 3rd Vice-President of the Hellenic Parliament
On June 30, 2010, he was elected Alternate Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.).

Political – Social activities

During the period 1961 – 1965 he was member of E.R.E.N. during the period 1962 – 1864 and President of the Student Union of Nikaia- Korydallos. Organisational Secretary of the Intellectual-Artistic Growth group of YMCA (1962-1963). Executive member of the Scout Movement
(1953-1961). Champion of adolescents from Greece in table tennis
(1958). President of the Nikaia Literary Society and founding member of New Democracy political party (N.D.). On 24.4.1994, at the 3rd Conference of N.D. he was elected member of the Central Committee and on 10.5.1994 he was elected member of the Executive Committee of N.D. From October 1994 until the end of 1995 he was member of the N.D. Political Council. He was also President of the Economic and Social Committee of Greece.


Faculty of Law of the University of Athens.

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