The Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.), Mr. Andreas Michailidis participated at the meeting of the Secretaries General of the Parliaments of the BSEC Member States with the participation of the Secretaries General of the Interparliamentary organisations, which have the Observer status to the PABSEC, in Istanbul, 6 March 2018.
In his speech, Mr. Michailidis referred, inter alia, to the following:“Our two organisations were founded approximately at the same time, twenty five years ago, for the purpose of tackling issues and providing answers to problems of our times … During these times of hardship that humanity is going through, with so many open fronts, so much violence, pain and poverty, there can be no doubt that all people of good will need to contribute their might, to efforts undertaken for peace and solidarity on the side of each and every suffering human being.
We believe that inter parliamentary groupings and bodies can do a lot to protect civilisation. Especially so, in our days, when religious fanaticism, particularly in the wider Middle East region, destroys among other things, unique historic monuments.
There are many interesting challenges arising from anticipated parliamentary and inter parliamentary co operations and they can have only positive things to contribute to the solution of difficult problems and to the strengthening of the voices and demands of the people that elected us and trusted us with their future”.
Istanbul, 6th march 2018. Meeting of the BSEC Secretaries General.