Statement of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) on the recent events in the Armenian-populated city of northwestern Syria – Kesab and the 12 nearby villages.
Having being informed about the recent dramatic events in northwestern Syria, particularly in the Armenian-populated city Kesab and the 12 nearby villages, the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO):
Condemns the acts of violence and expulsion of Kesab’s Armenian civilians,
Expresses its deep concern and resentment over the unlawful actions of armed groups there, which profaned the Armenian church of the city and unduly destroyed the properties of its defenseless inhabitants,
Demands respect to the ethnic and religious minorities of Syria,
Invites members of parliament, governments of the I.A.O. member-states, as well as the international community to condemn such actions against civilians and take measures to guarantee security for the displaced, their safe return and provision of the necessary humanitarian aid thereto.
Statement of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) on the recent events in the Armenian-populated city of northwestern Syria – Kesab and the 12 nearby villages PDF DOC