The Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.), Member of the Hellenic Parliament Dr. Maximos Charakopoulos, on behalf of the majority of the Members of the organisation’s International Secretariat, expresses the deep concern of the international institution about the evolving situation and the hostilities taking place on the territory of Ukraine after the invasion of the Russian troops.

The I.A.O. fully shares the grave concerns expressed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the European Union, and the international community regarding the events that have led to serious violations of the principles of the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law. The I.A.O. condemns any act of aggression against national independence, territorial integrity, and the principle of self-determination, wherever it comes from.

The I.A.O. stands with sincere feelings of solidarity and humanity for the Ukrainian people and the refugees who have been displaced from their homes, and calls on all neighboring countries to facilitate, to the highest possible extent, the conditions in which they currently are.

The I.A.O. appeals on the parties involved to make every effort for dialogue and pursue the path of peaceful settlement of disputes and diplomatic practices, leading to de-escalation of tensions and a sustainable ceasefire between two peoples with common religious and cultural traditions.

The I.A.O. also calls on the parliamentarians of the Legislatures of the two countries to use all available means of parliamentary practice to mediate and consolidate peace, security, and stability in the region.

pdf30 Athens, 28 February 2022. I.A.O. Statement on the invasion in Ukraine    

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