Athens, 25 January 2025. Condolences for the death of the Archbishop Anastasios of Albania

Athens, 25 January 2025. Condolences for the death of the Archbishop Anastasios of Albania

The Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO), dr. Maximos Charakopoulos, -on behalf of all the orthodox parliamentarians participating in its works- expressed sincere condolences for the death of the late Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and all Albania.

The head of the inter-parliamentary institution stated that “Ecumenical Orthodoxy bids farewell to one of the brightest personalities it has raised. Anastasios was a model Orthodox Hierarch, who illuminated the work of the Church and opened, in difficult times, new paths of hope and service. The Orthodox World will be eternally grateful to him.

Anyone who had the blessing of meeting and conversing with Anastasios immediately perceived his profound theological education, his moral greatness and, above all, his boundless love for his fellow man, whom he humbly served throughout his life. With these virtues, he carried out an unparalleled missionary work spanning many years, offering material and primarily spiritual assistance to those in need on the African continent, thus putting into practice the fundamental ecumenical principles of Orthodoxy, love and solidarity.

This broad Christian outlook, which sees man as a creation of God, beyond religious or national identity, also characterized the wonderful work he left in Albania. He worked tirelessly day and night for the good of all the inhabitants of the neighboring country, overcoming prejudices and stereotypes. At the same time, with his own enlightened pastorate, Orthodoxy was literally reborn in Albania from the ashes of the previous atheistic regime. The Archdiocese of Albania, thanks to the wisdom of its chief pastor, emerged as a beacon of hope and a harbor of consolation for all its inhabitants. Priceless, undoubtedly, is his contribution to the tortured and afflicted but always haughty and proud Hellenism of Northern Epirus, for whom Anastasios was always a loving father. As I mentioned in 2014, at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Saint Cosmas the Aetolian, in Kolikondasi, Northern Epirus, after the Divine Liturgy, at which the Archbishop Anastasios presided, “His Beatitude is a gift from God to Albania.” Today, everyone realizes that Anastasios was a gift from God for Ecumenical Orthodoxy.

May the Church of Albania, resurrected from the ruins by Anastasios, raise up a worthy successor to His work. Eternal be His Memory!”

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