Adel Nassief

He has Bachelor of fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria – Department of Painting with General Grade Very Good with high Honors 1985. He’s studies specialized in Coptic Art and Icons at the Institute of Coptic Studies, Cairo. He is a member of the Syndicate of Plastic Arts, Egypt and the Society of Artists and Writers, Egypt. He participated in many exhibitions since graduating and he specialized in executing large wall decoration in mosaic and frescoes. Adel Nassief

*Born October 20, 1962, Beheira Egypt.
*Bachelor of fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria –
*Member of the Syndicate of Plastic Arts, Egypt
Member of international Association of contemporary Mosaicists-Ravenna-Italy.
*Member of the society of Artists and Writers in Alexandria, Egypt.
*Specialized in executing large Mural mosaics, frescoes &Icons
Works in Egypt:
(Mosaics, Icons, Frescoes) St. Athanasius Cathedral, Damanhur. Mosaic Wall 110 square meters for Rubex Company. St. Mina Cathedral, King Mariut, Alexandria. Wall Mosaics at the entrance of Virgin Mary’s Monastery Akhmim. Painting the dome150 sq. Saint George Church – Wadi Natron – Egypt. Icons of Mosaic of the St. Demina church, 34 square meters, in Porto said. 7 mosaics in the church of martyr St.Demina. Icons of St. Anthony church in the city of Minya. Mosaics St. Bishoy in Ismailia . 15 mural a total area of 180 square meters. Mosaic St. Mark Church city of Damanhur for an area of 110 sq.
Works outside Egypt:
Holland: Frescoes, icons &Mosaics at Mary church St. Mary Amsterdam. Icons in the church of St. Anthony Eindhoven, Icons St. Deminah church in Utrecht, icons of the church of St. Athanasius, Assen. Icons of St. Paula church in Lee warden. Icons St. Mercurius Church in Amsterdam,
Sweden: Icons at St. Paul church in Stockholm,
Greece: Mosaics of Revelation 56 sq.m church of St. Mark Athens,
USA: Icons of St,George church in Tampa,Florida. Icons of the St. Moses black in Richmond,Virginia . the illustrations of the story First Christmas published 2008 newyork
France: (2005-2010) Coptic Icons &mosaics 400sq.m church of the Archangel Michael in Paris,The French ministry of culttre put it as Acltural heritage should be visited 2012.
Canda: Mosaic at St. Mercurius church Masusaja
There are many works of art in the Egyptian Ministry of
Culture, the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo, Alexandria
Innovation center, as well as many of his works have companies in Egypt.
Singapore, the Netherlands, Spain, Kenya, South Africa,
Sweden, Germany, Australia, USA, Canada, France,
Greece, United Arab Emirates.

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