Main subject: “Challenges for democracy during periods of global economic crisis”.
The 19th General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy was successfully convened in Prague, June 26 – 29 2012.
Parliamentary delegations from twenty six I.A.O. member-states as well as groups of Members of Parliament from different countries participated in the General Assembly. The Inaugural Ceremony of the General Assembly was held at the Senate of the Czech Republic and the President of Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs the Senate of the Czech Republic Mr. Miroslav Antl declared the opening of the works of the General Assembly. His Beatitude Kryštof Archbishop of Prague, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, as well as the Orthodox Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Mr. Jaroslav Foldyna greeted the participants at the Inaugural Ceremony.
In the framework of the General Assembly reports on the main subject were presented by the participants as well as by: Mr. Michał Tomasz Kamiński, Member of the European Parliament, Prof. Valery Alexeev, I.A.O. advisor with subject: “The European integration and the problems of democracy”, Mr. Michael Spourdalakis, Professor of the Political Science and Public Administration Dept. of the University of Athens with subject: “The economic crisis and the decline of democracy. Challenges and perspectives” and Dr. Kostas Mygdalis, I.A.O. Advisor with subject: “Democratic Institutions and new technologies”.
During the General Assembly the elections of I.A.O. organs for two year tenure took place.
The overview of the I.A.O.’s activity and finances was approved by the Assembly. In addition, the General Assembly approved the program of activities as well as the budget for the following year.
The new annual Bulletin, the minutes of the 18th annual General Assembly in Paris, as well as other publications of I.A.O.’s activities were distributed during the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, following discussion and interventions by the participants, approved the resolution presented by the Cypriot Parliamentary delegation, as well as the resolution-conclusions on the main subject of the General Assembly.
Resolution – Conclusions
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