14TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN, 2007 Resolution – Conclusions
«The Inter-religious dialogue as a factor of peaceful and fair relationships among peoples»
«God is love…» (1 John. 4, 16).
We, representatives, members of our parliaments, following the proposal of the National Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, met in the city of Astana, Capital city of the Republic of Kazakhstan, completing our 14th General Assembly with central subject: “The Inter-religious dialogue as a factor of peaceful and fair relationships among peoples“, address our parliaments, the political leaders of our countries, all international organisations, the religious leaders of the world, every person of good will, communicating a cordial greeting of love, understanding and humbleness.
Today, the global community is under the threat of various forms of violence even more to say, under the façade of the so called religious.
While in the core of all religions, particularly the monotheistic ones, lies a message of life, peace, justice, harmony and honest social relations, however, in our days, humanity but religions as well, are confronted with the presence and the devastating force of the so called religious violence.
Moreover, often civil conflicts and turmoil utilizes religious traditions and expressions, in order to legitimize the allegations of the conflicting parties.
Although in the majority of the cases, religion does not constitute the main cause of violent confrontations, yet, religious symbolisms and views have been used, in order to legitimize the use of violence as the means of the political struggle for power.
On the other hand, religious communities themselves, while on the one hand not admitting the underlying notion of religious conflict, and on the other hand being self-committed to the prospect of peace and religious tolerance, nevertheless they are not prepared to effectively deal with the dynamics of the so called religious violence released.
This is the existing situation in the beginning of the new century of technologies, where religious pluralism is a reality and all religions have to admit to it.
At the same time, citizens are called to realise the crystal clear differentiation of the state and its mechanisms from religion, the public from the private sector and to finally realise that the popular state simply cannot rely on the religious legitimization of its power.
In our days, the modern world is called to deal with these phenomena within the spirit of reconciliation and humbleness. Each one of us is called to respond to the different and strange, in an “accepting” and tolerant manner. Political and economic factors worldwide should look for the causes of these phenomena in a responsible way, and graciously manage the dangerous dynamics of violence, prioritizing inter-religious dialogue. Churches, religious communities and their leaders are called to undertake new public initiatives aimed at moderation, moral orientation of societies, harmonious co-existence and reconciliation.
New locations and spiritual institutions should be established where the elements of religions, contributing to reconciliation and mutual understanding, will be substantiated and promoted, elements, which lie at the foundations of every religion and, which, throughout centuries, have been shadowed or even annihilated by political and other expediencies.
Each form of power should cease seeking its moral legitimization in religions, and religious leaders should promote other means for bringing their flock together, different from those of political power
Since its foundation, the I.A.O, has been contributing to the inter-religious dialogue and understanding of modern religious phenomena, to the discouragement of conflicts and the enhancement of those elements of Christianity and Orthodoxy, which contribute to human mutual understanding.
The states and their parliaments with orthodox religious orientation, which have a tradition to the democratic organisation of modern societies, as well as the peaceful coexistence of religious expressions, actively contribute to the I.A.O initiatives and they support every effort, while every time the orthodox churches positively respond to these initiatives.
Through numerous meetings, visits, statements, the I.A.O is being established as an arena for interparliamentary dialogue, and global consensus on issues of political and cultural orientation, falling within the spectrum of the concept of religion, always on the basis of the orthodox faith, laying the foundations for a peaceful future for our planet.
These efforts will be continued in the future, looking for solutions to the modern problems of society, in collaboration with all parties and institutions striving for a peaceful future of mankind.